Best Blogger On Page SEO Guide 2015.

Many years passed I started blogging. I choose Blogspot as my favorite platform. But I faced many problems in the fact of SEO. First of all a blogger need a huge number of reader daily to read his/her blog. but I had none. I was the only visitor of my blog. Then I started reading for How to make my blog search engine optimized. I found different kind of solution for on page seo of blogspot. If you search for blogspot seo tutorial you will find many articles online but I found none of them in one place. I know this is a big matter for newbies. For this reasons I publish my step by step post about Best Blogspot On Page SEO Guide 2015.

Blogger on page seo guide


Choosing Blogspot template

  1.     SEO blogger template.

Blogger On page SEO
  1.     How to optimized blogger title for better seo
  2.     Make Your Site Accessible to Robots for better crawling
  3.     How to optimized blogger post title
  4.     How to install best seo plugin for blogspot
  5.     How to add custom robot.txt
  6.     How to add custom robot header tags
  7.     How to enable meta description for all blog post

After Complete On Page SEO
  1.     How to write a good post for better traffic to your site.

Submit Site to Search Engine
  1.     How to submit a site to google search engine and other search engines
  2.     How to submit your sitemap to google, yahoo and bing
  3.     How to submit sitemap to webmaster

Choose Quality Blogger Template

 Some people told me that blogspot template has no relation with seo any template can work better with seo expert. But I asked them how a newbie can be a seo expert when they started blogging. I didn't get any answer from them. However I understand the matter and found out best SEO blogger template. If you want those template get them from below.


Blogger On Page SEO 

1.How to optimized blogger title for better SEO

          Most of the Blogger templates isn't properly optimized for seo in order that they lacks in SEO. Even most of the template doesn't have correct structure of title tags. Even I have been detected that some results shows blog title before post title. Suppose you have got written an article having post title: the way to build your blogger Blog SEO Friendly. It should show your post title  before blog title title like this. the way to build your blogger Blog SEO Friendly website name. to create these settings active login to your account >> Dashboard >> Template  >> now Edit HTML

    At first find  <title><data:blog.pageTitle/></title> and replace the code with given below.

    <b:if cond=’data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;’>

    <title><data:blog.pageName/> | <data:blog.title/></title>


[[ NB: If you can't find that means already your template is optimized ]]


 2. Make Your Site Accessible to Robots for better crawling

Place below codes with your meta tags.

<meta content='text/html; charset=utf-8' http-equiv='Content-Type'/><meta content='Your_Site_Description_Here' name='description'/><meta content='Your_Site_Keywords_Here' name='keywords'/><meta content='all' name='robots'/> <meta content='global' name='distribution'/><meta content='1 days' name='revisit'/><meta content='1 days' name='revisit-after'/><meta content='document' name='resource-type'/><meta content='all' name='audience'/> <meta content='general' name='rating'/><meta content='index, follow' name='robots'/> <meta content='en' name='language'/><meta content='IN' name='country'/> <meta content='YOUR NAME HERE' name='Author'/><meta content='YOUR EMAIL ID' name='Email'/><meta content='blogger' name='generator'/><b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/><link href=' GOOGLE+ ID/' rel='author'/>

Make changes as yours with yours.

[[ NB: No need if your template already have those ]]

How to optimized blogger post title or convert title from h3 to h2
 This is a most important part for bloggers who use blogspot. Because If you are using a blogger template then it is set as H1 for home page title, H2 for blog description and H3 tag for post title. But for make i seo optimized you must set H2 tags for your post title because these tags allow crawling spiders to identify which keywrds to rank higher in search result.

Login to your account >> Go to Dashboard >> Template  >> now Edit HTML Search for the following code and replace H2 in place of  H3

    <h3 class='post-title'> <b:if cond=''><a expr:href=''><data:post.title/></a><b:else/>        <b:if cond='data:post.url'><a expr:href='data:post.url'><data:post.title/></a>        <b:else/><data:post.title/></b:if></b:if></h3>

 wait don't save the template again find this code

        <h3> <data:title/> </h3>

Now time to replace it with given code below

        <h2> <data:title/> </h2>
Save the template.

How to install best seo plugin for blogspot
 Sorry I'm little wrong because it is not a plugin to install, This is a script for blogger and you should put it to your blogger template.

  Feature of this script

  1.     This script makes all your external links as no-follow.
  2.     It automatically build image alt and title tagging.    
  3.     Open all external links in a separate window.

To install this script go to Blogger Dashboard > Template > Edit HTML and find  </head> and paste the below code above or before  </head>

<script src='' type='text/javascript'/> <script type='text/javascript'>//<![CDATA[ jQuery('a').each(function(){// Let's make external links open in a new tab. var href=jQuery(this).attr('href');if (typeof href !='undefined' && href !="" && (href.indexOf('http://') !=-1 || href.indexOf('https://') !=-1)&&href.indexOf(window.location.hostname)==-1){jQuery(this).attr("target", "_blank");}});//]]></script> <script type='text/javascript'>//<![CDATA[ jQuery('a').each(function(){// Let's make external links nofollow. var href=jQuery(this).attr('href');if (typeof href !='undefined' && href !="" && (href.indexOf('http://') !=-1 || href.indexOf('https://') !=-1) && href.indexOf(window.location.hostname)==-1){jQuery(this).attr("rel", "nofollow");}});//]]></script> <script type='text/javascript'>//<![CDATA[ $(document).ready(function(){$('img').each(function(){var $img=$(this);var filename=$img.attr('src') $img.attr('alt', filename.substring((filename.lastIndexOf('/'))+1, filename.lastIndexOf('.')));});});//]]></script>
How to add custom robot.txt
 Default sitemap generated by sitemap generator does not have much controls to your site as a result all your post and labels including all static pages get indexed by search engine. This creates a lot of duplicate content issues. In order to avoid these issues you must enable robots.txt settings for your blog. To make it enable move to your dashboard.

step 1 : Click on setting

step 2 : Search Preferences

step 3 : set robots.txt under search preferences


User-agent: Mediapartners-Google 
Disallow: User-agent: *
Disallow: /search Allow: / Sitemap:

[[ Change with yours with yours. ]]

 How to add custom robot header tags
To make it enable go to your Go to Dashboard >> Settings >> Search Preferences >> set Custom robots header tags  as seen below image.

robot header tags

How to enable meta description for all post in blogger
This is most important setting to tell search engine what is in your post.
First Go To Blogger DashBoard  >> Settings >> Search Preferences Look For Meta Tags and Tick on "Yes" To Enable It.

Now a box will appear where you have to write your meta tag or description. Make sure that it doesn't exist more than 150 characters. 

Add NoFollow Tag to All Labels

Although you’ve disallowed indexing of Labels using the robots.txt file, it is better to add a nofollow tag to them so that there will be no chance for them to get indexed. Go to Template > Edit HTML and search for the below code.
<a expr:href=’data:label.url’ rel=’tag’>
Either add the nofollow tag to the end of the above syntax or simply replace it with the below one.
<a expr:href=’data:label.url’ rel=’tag,nofollow’>

Save your template.
After complete all the steps above about one page seo we should write quality content. A quality content is most important for get higher rank in search engine. Before google penguin update content quality didn't matter on seo but now a quality content is really a big matter on search engine optimization.

Read How to write a quality content

Submit Site to Google and Bing Search Engine
After writing some quality contents you have to put your site to different search engine. 
I extremely recommend you to manually submitting your website or blog pages to the 
search engines. That said, the search engines provide no guarantee of ranking your page 
as a result of you have manually submitted it. it is a tool that we use to let the search 
engine know that we've new data to share.

Google's URL submit is very quick and easy.  Just go to Google's web page for URL submitting
type in your URL, type in the message that ensures Google you are an individual not a 
software robot and click "add URL."You can also submit your site map to Google via 
their Webmaster Tools
Bing allows you to submit your URL, just like Google and Yahoo!.  
Go to Bing's site submission page, type in the URL of your homepage (this is different than 
Google and Yahoo!).  MSNBot will follow the links from your homepage to all of the pages 
on your site.  Bing also requires you to identify yourself as a person, not an automated 
program, by typing the characters that you see in the picture.

Well This is all about Blogspot On page SEO. Now Take a break and refresh your mind 
for next lesson. Don't forget to like us , follow us , and subscribe us for next tutorial.

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